Set Yourself Free
/Set yourself free...
"Becoming more sensitive to the subtle vibrations surrounding us begins to make us more sensitive to the subtle vibrations within us.
That sounds all well and good... But the subtle vibrations within us are fears, unwelcome emotions, buried traumas, unsolicited memories, and our Soul's longing to be free.
Who stands in the way of our inner freedom? Ego...
Qigong Meditation is the slow steady inevitable erosion of Ego. Qigong is it's gentle undoing.
Everything false and deceitful about us must go in order for our Soul and our Heart to come forward into the Light. The Ego IS the Shadow we have been hiding in.
Only the Ego lies. Only the Ego chooses falseness and deceit. Only the Ego struggles to hold us back in order to maintain it's dominion over us. Only the Ego wishes to quit all this Healing! Get back to our comfort zone!
The Truth is: Your Body LOVES exercise! It is only your Mind that procrastinates and makes up excuses; only your Mind rationalizes and postpones...
But: Persist in your Qigong Practice and it is only a matter of time. All that is false within you will be revealed. Your Ego will be outed!
You will see it was never truly your friend! It was protecting itself at YOUR expense. It was sacrificing YOUR health and happiness for a false sense of security and control...
Qigong erodes the Ego. Trust me. If you are persisting in your Qigong Practice that is your Soul trying to get free. Climbing into the barrel and heading for the falls...
In the beginning, the Ego is entranced with the idea of miraculous spontaneous healing, gaining power, achieving self-mastery, becoming stronger, calmer, and more centered; seeing other people's Auras--becoming clairvoyant and learning to control invisible subtle energies.
That is when the trap is set. If we then persist--over the course of years--our Inner Subtle Energies set to work. They set to slowly working themselves OUT! Slowly, slowly, they circumvent our Ego-defense systems and are released...
That is how we become ourselves... Sabotaging our Ego! Setting ourselves up to be revealed. Being honest! Being true. No more secrets!
And when we finally cry ourselves out and set ourselves free... We are no longer our Ego's Bitch! We are no longer afraid of the Truth. We no longer hide in the Dark. Hao la!"
--Pahka Dave