Fix it Yourself...

Sometimes when a new student asks me what Qigong means, I like to say: 'Qigong means Fix It Your Own Damn Self!' Then after we share a laugh I get down to the basics...

Qigong is really all about Posture. Most of the pain we suffer is due to incorrect posture. When the body carries a maladaptive posture through all our daily activities it must overcompensate for being out of balance. Posture distortions due to injury, depression, or just bad habits are so common. We suffer back pain, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, etc. due to chronic posture distortion.

The most common distortion is a Head Forward posture... In proper anatomical posture, the ears should be directly over the shoulders and the shoulders should be directly over the hips... In Qigong training we say: 'Raise Baihui' (The Crown Chakra) and 'Tuck in Chin' and 'Imagine Your Head Is Hanging By A String From Above.' These are very common Training Cues...

So many beginning students misunderstand the importance of standing in correct posture. They think Qigong is all about movement so they get impatient with learning to stand... Postures called: 'Standing Like A Post' or 'Standing Like A Tree' or 'Standing Like A Mountain' or 'Standing In Wuji' or 'Beginning Pose' or 'Opening Pose' ...all try to train the student to stand in proper anatomical posture.

The new students say: 'When are we going to move?' and I say: 'Once you learn how to stand.' With Head erect... Shoulders and Hips balanced... Feet pressed down... Knees unlocked... Hands at your sides... Whole body relaxed... Raise Baihui and Tuck in Chin... Imagine your Head is suspended by a string from above... Hao La!

They are so unused to standing in correct posture. Their muscles and tendons begin to scream. Their Meridians try to flow but no-can-do... Blocked! They start sweating and burning and looking very surprised and confused...

Standing in correct posture is very strenuous for beginners. They say 'My feet are burning' and 'My legs are cramping' and 'My back' or 'My neck' or 'My shoulders are spasming.' And I say 'Yep!' ...'Keep Standing' ...'You are opening your body's central channel and realigning yourself to correct anatomical posture.' ...'Keep standing. It will get better.' ...'When you relax your spine your Heart will open again.'

And I always add my favorite:'Hey! Remember? I said Qigong means: Fix it your own damn self.' Then we laugh... You always have to laugh! It's funny but no joke!

Hao la! Hao la!

--Pahka Dave